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The Bedi and the Sodhi Dynasties
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Hereunder is given the story of origin of Baidi and Sodhi Clans of Suraj Bunse or Sun Dynasty, as given by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee in his Autobiography, Sri Bichittar Natak. It may, however, be clarified that whatever the parentage or ancestry of the Bhagats or the Sikh Gurus, their respective Personality is adjudged whatever they believed, stood for and preached. The Gurus did belong to the MOST DISTINGUISHED ADMINISTRATORS, WARRIORS, AND LEARNED ANCESTORS, NOT ORDINARY ONES.
First of all let us read the last Chapter 14 of Bichittar Natak, which is very Important to Note. This Chapter precedes Chandi Charitter Ukat Bilas. Herein Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji stated:
�Chaupai � The Ever Existent Lord liberated all the Saints, while all the malevolent persons were done to death by undergoing sfferings. O Lord, Your doings are Wondrous whereby You have saved Your devotees from all the troubles. (1)The purpose of giving chapter 14 of Bichittar Natak here is Three fold,
You have saved the saints from all the troubles; while all the trouble makers have been crushed just as tiny thorns are crushed. Considering me as Your servant, You have helped me and saved me by Your Grace. (2)
Whatever spectacles I have witnessed , I narrate them. You, O Lord, if You shower Your Grace upon me and enable me, this servant will narrate them. (3)
As and when whatever I have seen various things, I desire to narrate them Whatever I have witnessed in my previous existences, I will with Your Grace, narrate them all. (4)
The Ever Existent Lord (Sarabkal) is my Father and the same Master of all the Times is my Mother. The Enlightened Mind is my Guru and mental tendencies , which have made me do good deeds, are my Mother. (5)
When the Enlightened Mind became full of thoughtfulness only then it became my Teacher (Guru) and told everything to me in clear form. Whatever events I have witnessed in my previous lives, now I wish to narrate them. (6)
When the Ever Existent Lord out of His Compassion showered Grace upon me, all those previous births were recollected by me. (7)
I could get so much Wisdom, by His Grace only. The Ever Existent Lord became kind to me and all in the times becoming Protector like All Steel, He defended us all. (8)
I have the Protection of the Supreme Lord in all the times. O Almighty, All Steel, You Alone is my Protector in all the times. Having realized Your Grace on me, I have become Fearless, assuming myself to be the leader of the people, I at times feel pride in this. (9)
As and when the previous births of mine came to my memory, I have described them in the Granth. As I have seen in the Satyuga, I have related the tale of the goddess (Chandi). (10)
Earlier also the stories of Chandi have been told and the descriptions from top to bottom have been made. Putting aside the stories told previously, now again I desire to eulogize the Lord.� (11)
Apart from our main aim of the above quotation to state the Ancestry of the Gurus, it may also be clarified here the aim of writing the CHANDI CHRITTRAS also by the Guru.
The Guru begins Chandi Charitter Ukat Bilas with Swaiyya, followed by two Doheras, in Praise of God Alone �
Swaiyya -
�God is the Primal Being, Unfathomable, Inexpressible, Desireless, Not Limited to any Expression or any Specific Garb and Indestructible. Such a Lord created Two Forces (1) Siv � God�s Light in all, SGGS describes this as SAT GURU POORA � The Vital Life Force � The Spiritual Force.
In Sri Anand Sahib, Pauri 26, it is stated, �Siv sakat aap opaey kai, karta aapai hukam vartai.� In Sri Guru Granth Sahib, this phrase has been used more than 30 times.; as siv sakti ka male
(2) Sakat or Sakti� Material Force., the Four Vedas and Three Gunas (Three Modes of Matter or Maya), Pervades all the Three Spheres. God created Day and Night, Sun and Moon as lamps to provide Light. From the Five Elements of Matter (Maya), which are Space, Air, Water, Heat and Earthly Material, (Rocks, Mud, etc), He created polemic feelings ( Moral and Evil), thus made the persons (Saintly and Evil Minded ) named as gods and demons respectively, fight against each other; and HIMSELF sits apart to witness the entire Play.� (1)
Doheras �
�O Lord, Ocean of Mercy, if Your Grace is on me, then I can compose the narrative of Chandika and with Your Blessings my description be beautiful. (2)Such a devotion to GOD ALMIGHTY, SRI AKAL PURKH we do not find in Markande Puran or in any other Hindu Scriptures, or in any scripture of other Faiths.
O God, Your Light is Resplendent in the entire manifest phenomenon. You are the Power of Akalpurkh (Sat Guru Poora or Chandi) to chastise CHAND and CHAMUND. You punish the demons with the strength of Your Upper Arm and You are the Creator of all Nine Realms. (3)�
If we understand this opening Swaiyya and two Doheras of Sri Guru Gobind
Singh Ji, then understanding of the treatise on Chandi becomes absolutely
clear. In the description of CHANDI, the functioning of Three Forces are
(1) GOD ALMIGHTY, THE CREATOR, WHO Sheds His Light from which He creates
the Universes, both Life and Matter; This Divine Light (Sat Guru Poora)
(2) Human Moral Self or Higher Part of Mind, is personified as gods,
Indra, etc.
(3) The Human Instincts and Passions, the Lower Part of the Human Mind,
These are Wild Animal Instinctual Powers, become Uncontrollable, run amuck
and make persons DEMONS. These Instinctual Animal Powers in Chandi Charitters
have been Personified by the Different names of DEMONS.
The struggle begins between the Higher Part of the Human Mind (Moral Self), personified as gods on the one hand, and the Instinctual Animal Powers on the other. As the Animal Power in Persons is much stronger, the Moral Self in Persons (gods) are vanquished in the struggle. The weakened Moral Self prays to God (Sat Guru Poora or Chandi or God�s Light � Jot, verily God Himself) for help to restore peace in persons and their supremacy in controlling the demons. God answers the prayers, now there begins the fighting between the Divine Force in persons God or Sat Guru Poora or Chandi and the Animal Instinctual Powers, the Demons � The Divine Force (Chandi) annihilates these Demons. Again the Moral Persons reign supreme in their domain by virtue of the Divine Intervention. In realiy, it is not Persons who fight to overcome the Instictual Poweful enemies, but God fights, and helps persons. This is amply and clearly described in Sri Guru Granth Sahib also.
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee gives the story of the pre-historic period by the recollection of the events of his previous births and the events he had observed, which he sought such recollections and was Blessed by the Gracious God, and was thus enabled to narrate those stories of the details of the origin of Baidi and Sodhi Clans of SURAJ BANSI DYNASTY. Similarly by such recollection he wrote the Mythical Story of CHANDI, which he wrote entirely in accordance with the Sikh Ideology as he preached. Those who have the vision to discern the TRUTH from Falsehood propagated by mischief mongers that these were writings of Brahmins, will outright condemn such miscreants who are out to decry the Unique Great Personality of Guru Gobind Singh Jee and his Superb Writings. There is nothing of Brahminism in the Guru�s writings, whatever. In SGGS, the Gurus and Bhagats have used Yogic and other Hindu terminology, names of gods and goddesses, in abundance, to convey the Sikh Ideology in praising God alone. In Sikh view, God alone is the Life Giver to all and is present in every one alike, and whatever is excellent, it is only God�s Excellence. At page 798, in Rag Bilawal, Sri Guru Ram Das Jee teaches us -
�Effort and intelligence come from God, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts; as He wills, they act. As the violinist plays upon the strings of the violin, so does the Lord play the living beings.�Did Brahmins have the capacity to write such a voluminous Book, that too in such superb poetry various thoughts, which go contrary to their own Brahmanic Faith. Which Brahmin ever showed a single minded devotion to Infinite Formless God alone, as we find in Sri Dasam Granth? Bramins after the martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur did add spurious Hindu writings in SGGS, that too in collaboration with the corrupt Sikhs, who were the custodians of the hand written copies of SGGS. These were detected and the spurious writings were removed later. Please read Prof Sahib Singh�s book, �Adi Birh Bare.� The style of Guru Gobind Singh�s Writings was such that nothing could be added or altered. If there is any spurious matter, nothing has been proved as yet, or its source has been detected. The only difficulty is that these Most Scholarly Writings contain Myths in Symbolic Language, rich in similes and riddles, which one finds diffculty in their understanding.
(oodam mut prabh anterjami, jio praire tion karna. Jion natooa tunt vajai tunti, tion vajeh junt jana. (1)).
Facts according to Bichittar Natak �
The ancestors of Sikh Gurus were the rulers of Punjab. They were descendents of Solar Dynasty of Kshatriyas. Raghu and Aj were not only great rulers, but were also great scholars of this Dynasty. King Aj bestowed his empire and throne on Dasrath, who also became the great archer. He married three wives, the first son was Ram Chander, the second, Bharat, the third Lachhmn, and the fourth Shatrughan. They ruled for a long time. Ram Chander married Sita. From this union two sons were born, Lav and Kush. Sita�s sons, Lav and Kush, both became kings. Two cities were raised in Punjab, one by Lav, Lahore, and the other by Kush, Kasur. Both became very famous. Kush and lav reigned for a long time. Their sons and grandsons also became rulers. It is mentioned that Kush�s descendent, Kalket and Lav�s decendent, Kalrai had innumerable sons. Kalket possessed peerless strength, and expelled Kalrai from the city of Lahore. He fled to Sanaudh country (south of Delhi), where he married the king�s daughter. The son born in his house of that marriage was named Sodhi Rai. The Sodhi clan began from that time The sons and grandsons, who sprung from Sodhi Rai, were all called Sodhis; the Almighty Lord extended the clan further. They became very distinguished among men and their wealth increased day by day. They exercised independent sway and conquered the kings of many countries. (29). They spread religion every where, caused umbrellas to wave over their heads. Sodi Rai, who had become a king, had two sons, named Jagat Rai and Prithvi Rai. Appointing Prithvi Rai as Raja, Sodhi Rai took his elder son Jagat Rai and made invasion of Lahore. They remembered the old enmity and wished to avenge themselves by retaking Lahore. They took Lahore after a bloody battle. The serviving members of the Kush family fled to kanshi (Banaras). There they expounded the Vedas and became the readers of Vedas. Those of the expelled descendents of Kush, who read the Vedas were called Baidies. They carefully attended to their religious duties. Their fame reached their cousin brothers, the Sodhis, ruling in Lahore. The king of Lahore dispatched Baidies a conciliatory letter, to forget enmity that prevailed among them. The king�s messenger arrived in Banaras , and explained the contents of the missive to all the Baidies. Upon this all the readers of the Vedas proceeded to Punjab. And on their arrival made obeisance to the King. He caused them to recite the Vedas. While all his brethern were seated near him in assembly, the Baidi chief recited Sam Ved, the Yujar Ved, then the Rig Ved, making gesticulations with their hands, and finally the Atharav Ved. The King was pleased and gave them all the possessions. He elected to live in a forest. On giving them his kingdom he assumed the garb of a Rishi. The people tried to restrain him, but he dismissed all regret, and absorbed himself in God�s Love.
The Baidi Chief was pleased on obtaining the kingdom and in the joy of his heart blessed the Sodhi King, saying: �When I will come in the Kal Age under the name of Nanak, I will make you worthy of worship in the world, and you shall attain the highest dignity. After hearing the first three Vedas from us you got totally absorbed in love of God, and on hearing the fourth Veda you have given your kingdom. After having assumed three births (in Kal Age), in my fourth I will make you the Guru.� (Verse 9, Chapter 4).
Baidis were pleased on getting the kingdom. Afterwards again quarrels increased in the Baidi Clan, which no one could adjust. It was the Will of God that sovereignty should pass from their family. Only 20 villages remained to the Baidis, which they began to till. A long time passed in that way until the epoch for the birth of Nanak arrived. Nanak Rai, born in the line of those Baidis, conferred happiness on all his disciples, and assisted them in this world and the next. He established religion in the Kal Age, and showed the way unto all holy men. Sin never touches those, who follow in his footsteps. God removes all sufferings and sins from those who embrace the religion. Pain and hunger never annoy them and they never fall into death�s noose. Nanak assumed the body of Angad, and made his religion current in the world. Afterwards Nanak was called Amar Das, as one lamp is lit from another. When the time of fulfillment of the blessing came, then Ram Das Sodhi became the Guru. Amar Das gave him the Guruship according to the ancient blessing. All the succeeding six Gurus after Guru Ram Das Sodhi, were his descendents. The Guruship was passed from Guru Ram Das to his youngest son, Guru Arjan and in this way reached Guru Guru Gobind Singh, who passed on to the Khalsa Perople in Collectve Form till Eternity.
From the above account we learn that Guru Nanak and Guru Ram Das and the latter�s decendent Gurus were the descendents of Lord Ram Chander�s two sons, KUSH and LAV respectively, BAIDI AND SODHI CLANS.
Guru Angad Dev was Trehan, a descendent of Lachhman, brother to Lord Ram Chander and Guru Amar Das was Bhalla, a descendent of Bharat, brother to Ram Chander. As such all the Ten Gurus were the descendents of Raja Dasrath, and belonged to this Dynasty, which is also known as Raghu Vansh or SURAJ BUNSE or SUN DYNASTY. At page 1401, SGGS, in Swaiyyas of Praise of Guru Ram Das, Bhatt Gayund states, �Raghubuns tilak sunder Dasrath ghar mun buncheh ja ki sarnung.� (�Guru Ram Das, was like handsome Sri Ram Chander in the house of Dasrath of Raghu Dynasty; whose Sanctuary the sages seek.�).
Let this Truth be also made clear that words DYNASTY and CLAN do not
denote CASTE. According to the WEBSTER�S NEW WORLD DICTONAY, the meaning
of these three words are as under �
CASTE | Any of the hereditary classes of a segregated System, based on birth, wealth, trade, status in both religious and social set up of Hindus. |
DYNASTY | A succession of rulers, who are members of the same family. |
CLAN | A group of families claiming descent, from a common ancestor. |
Kshatriyya is the warrior and the ruling caste of Hindus. Suraj Bunse
or Raghubunse is Dynasty, to which Rajas Raghu, Aj, Dasrath, Sri Ram Chander,
Luv, Kush and their descendents belonged. Baidis and Sodhis are the clans
of the Raghubunse Dynasty, NOT CASTES.
Kala Afghana has raised the criticism as under -
�According to the Hindu granths, the ages of various Yugas are roughly
as follows: Satyug = 8700000 years. Treta = 4300000 years. Duwaper = 2200000
years. Kalyug = 500000 years. The story under discussion took place in
Treta yug. Why did it take millions of years for the Bedi to be born as
Guru Nanak and to return the favour of the Sodhis? Even if this fairy tale
is true, (and it has absolutely no ground to be true) why did the Sodhis
have to wait that long? What good is a promise, which is not delivered
for millions of years?�
It is strange that this critic does not know what type of baseless
criticism he is making. In one breath he is stating that the Baidi Chief
recited four Vedas before the Sodhi King of Lahore, in the assemblage of
both Baidies and Sodhis, and on the other breath raise the above stated
silly crticism, contradicting themselves foolishly.
All world historians state that Babylonian, Asyrian, Mohenjo-daro civilizations were older than Aryan civilization. Invasion of India by the Aryan tribes from the north west took place between 1500 and 1200 B.C. The invaders first settled on the upper branches of the Indus River. Then they advanced southward and struggled with the black skinned Dravidians. Between the 10th and the 6th centuries B.C., the Aryans consolidated their power in the north. DURING THIS PERIOD VEDAS WERE FORMULATED. The language of the elite was Sanskrit and this Indo Aryan civilization is called the Sanskrit Civilization � the priest teacher was Brahmin � this religion came to be known as Byahmanism or the early form of Hinduism. By the end of 7th century B.C., Aryans occpies upper strata of the country. Below this belt were the dark skinned non-Aeyans in he process being sub-merged. This led to stratification of the Indian society, according to the Indo Aryanhierarchical principles, wich was the origin of the CASTE SYSTEM, which was finalized in 500 B.C. The society was divided into Four Main Castes.
It is hardly about 3,000 years ago, when Vedas were written. Sri Ram Chander appeared much later, and the descendents of LUV and KUSH came into conflict with each other later. It can safely be said that about 200 to 250 years must have passed after writing of the Vedas, when birth of Sri Ram Chander, and his sons LUV and KUSH appeared and their descendents began to fight with each other . It was, however, still a prehistoric age, as we find only Vedas, Purans, Shastras, Simiritis and other religious literature only recorded during this period is available. History of political events of the times is hard to find. It is not 4,300,000 Treta Yuga + 2,200,000 Dwaper Yuga + Kal Yuga, as stated by the critics have passed since the said events under discussion.
A. Incorrect interpretation of Verse 29 in Chapter 2. The correct meanings of the verse are �
The son born to them there (Sanodh country), was named Sodhi Rai. From that very day started SANAUD CLAN; which family name continued to be adopted for the generations as Almighty desired. (The Guru teaches us that GOD alone is the DOER, not Man). All happenings take place as God Almighty desires.This equally applies not only in the case of this CLAN, but also in case of all clans, nay anything what happens is as He desires to happen. This part has already been explained in Serial 1.
A. As already explained in Part I, Sodhi was not the Caste, but CLAN.
A. All Non-sense. Guru Gobind Singh never performed austerities as an ascetic, as already explained in greater details. Ask God why He sent Prophets, Avtars and Gurus, and how they qualified of ther status. GOD is All Wise, and so are His chosen Prophets, Avtars and Gurus. No one attains to this status by loving Him in one life, it requires many incarnations of leading the life of love and devotion, when one becomes acceptable to God. The 5th to 8th Gurus, were made Gurus, when they were only teenagers; it was their previous ncarnations of leading of life of love and devotion, which made them Gurus by GOD.
A. The critics are advised to read Guru Granth Sahib intelligently. Where Guru Amar Das Jee in Anand Sahib has stated, �Simrat sastar pun pap bichardai, tatai sar na jani� that Vedas and Shastras mention Good and Evil actions only, but have not realized the Reality. The same Guru in the same Composition stated, �Vedan main Naam Utam, sunai nahi phire join baitalia�� In Vedas Love of God is Supreme, but O Man, you pay deaf ear to this Reality. The Sodhi Raja at Lahore, who was no other but Sri Guru Ram Das in his previous incarnation, on hearing the Vedas was driven to the Love of the Lord God. This is what happened, if translated the verses correctly as under -
While all his brethern were seated near him ( Sodhi Raja) in assembly, the Baidi chief recited Sam Ved, the Yujar Ved, then the Rig Ved, making gesticulations with their hands, and finally the Atharav Ved. The King was pleased and gave him all the possessions. He elected to live in a forest. On giving him his kingdom he assumed the garb of a Rishi. The people tried to restrain him, but he dismissed all regret, and absorbed himself in God�s Love.
The Baidi Chief was pleased on obtaining the kingdom and in the joy of his heart blessed the Sodhi King, saying: �When I will come in the Kaal Age under the name of Nanak, I will make you worthy of worship in the world, and you shall attain the highest dignity. After hearing the first three Vedas from us you got totally absorbed in love of God, and on hearing the fourth Veda you have given your kingdom. After having assumed three births (in Kaal Age), in my fourth I will make you the Guru.�HERE THE EMPHASIS WAS ON LOVE OF GOD, NOT MERELY HEARING OR RECITING VEDAS OR ANY SCRIPTURE, INCLUDING GURU GRANTH.
(Verse 9, Chapter 4)
Is there any doubt that by loving God, our Mind is purified and all sins are washed off?
A. Again senseless question. Can the foolish critics tell what sins they have so far committed? SGGS teaches us � �Khin khin bhoolan har� � One errs every breath of his life. Ask those who leave home and hearth in search of God, even offer themselves to be cut with a saw in twain.
A. It has been repeatedly stated that guru Gobind Singh in his previous incarnation did not do any �tapasiya� as an ascetic. Ask God why He made Guru Nanak so Great.
A. No, you are NOT correct. Every one can read Vedas, except the Sudras .
A. Baidies are Kshatriya, do not belong to the Priestly Caste of Brahmins, hence the distinction from Brahmins that they could not be priests, to depend on alms of their clients.
A. Man does not make or unmake Gurus, this is entirely Divine prerogative, whom He Blesses His Naam and gets him united with Him, and Honour Him. He alone is Karta Purkh, the Doer, not the Man. No one can fathom His depth, particularly by the silly means of his clevernesses and arrogant behavior like the critics. No one can cheat God, or attain anything on his own efforts of his egoism; GOD ALONE IS THE CREATOR, DESTROYER AND THE GIVER OF ALL VIRTUES AND STATUS. �Nadar opathi je karai, Sultana gha karainda, dar mangan bhikh na paeinda� Guru Nanak Dev.
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A. When (Guru) Ram Das Jee came to the refuge of Guru Amar Das Jee, he was not aware of the Ancient Boon, which he had been bestowed in his previous incarnation. Even if he had known of the Boon, what is that Love, which indulges in trading with God. Please read Slokas of Sri Guru Angad Dev Jee in Aasa di Var. There is no scope for trading in Gurmat. The Gurus had attained perfect union with God, still the Gurus remembered God ever on every breath of their lives. �Aakha jiwan, visrai mar jaon.� Guru Nanak in Raag Aasa.
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A. Non-sense. Read verses 27, 28 and 29 of Chapter 2, carefully.
�If Lord You now bless me, I will attain the power; to give the names of the persons, who were Kaal Kait and Kaal Rai, to whom were born numerous sons. (27)
Jo ab Tav kirpa bal pao. Naam jatha mut bhakh sunao. Kaal Kait ar Kaal Rai bhun. Jin kai bhaey putar ghar angun. (27)
Kaal Kait (Kushi) became powerful, who pushed Kaal Rai (Luvi) out of the city. The latter taking to his heels he ran into the Sanaud country, and got married in the princely clan of that country. (28)
Kaal Kait bhio bali apara. Kaal Rai jin nagar nikara. Bhaj Sanodh dais tai gaey. Tehi bhoopja biat bhaey. (28)
The son born to them was named Sodhi Rai. (In the honor of the new born son) from that very day started the CLAN of Sodhis, as God Almighty so desired this traditon was extended. (29)
The tai putar bhio jo dhama. Sodhi Rai dhara the naama. (29)�
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A. Every true Sikh has the ardent desire to know about the life of his Sat Guru, and the family tradition he belonged to. Guru Gobind Singh Jee thus stated the heritage of Guru Nanak Dev, and also from 4th to 10th Gurus. It is important that Sat Guru should have noble heritage. In the New Testament of the Bible, heritage of Jesus Christ is given, and the followers attain pride in reading the heritage of their Master.
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