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Sikh Research and Education Center
655 Old River woods
Chesterfield, MO 63017 Email: srec@gurmat.info
Waheguru (Akaal or Kaal)
(a) God�s Name is Akaal, and not Kaal, as repeastedly
stated by Guru Gobind Singh in Bichitar Natak only, as Kaal and
Kaal. In Jaap Sahib, the Guru did not write Kaal, but �Kalheen�,
meaning Timeless. The Composition in Praise of �Akaal� as Akal Ustat,
not Kaal Ustat. Is there a special reason that the Tenth Master had to
refer to God by �Kaal� in Bichitar Natak, while in his other Compositions
he refers to God as Akaal, in complete agreement with Ad Guru Granth Sahib?
(b) Guru Gobind Sngh referred to his own victory in the battle of Bhangani
stating, �Runung tiag bhagai, subhai tras pagai. Bhaie jeet Meri, Kirpa
Kaal Keri. 8/34. The Guru is stated to be egocentric, when he stated
it resulted in his victory, and is uncharacteristic of the Guru.
(c) The Guru created another power in the name of goddess Kali,
as his mother, as stated by him, �Sarab Kaal hai pita apara. Daib Kalka
Mat hamara. Manua Gur mur Mansa Maei, jin Mo ko sabh kirya parhaei. 14/5.�
(d) The author of Bichtar Natak, Guru Gobind Singh was clearly a devotee
of the goddess Kalka.
With regard to (a) (b) & (c) above, attention is drawn to this writer�s preceding letter, wherein it was fully explained that �Both the act of CREATION, and DESTRUCTION are God�s Functional Qualities, and thus such Names, which Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee used in his Writings. �Doodh Poot kai Dwaiya ��, and Kaal, Sarab Kal, Maha Kaal, Mahadev, Kalka, Chandi, Durga, Bhavani, Bhagauti, Pritham Kaal, Kaal kai Kaal, and so on, are the tributes of God, we find in his Writings; just as in Guru Granth Sahib, Var Suhi ki, Slok M.3 �Mun Tun Nirmal ati Sohina bhaitia Krishan Murar.� Both Mind and body are purified by loving God; also, �Gurmukh sangi Krishan Murarai� � Majh M.5, p.98. God is always with the devotees.
Guru Gobind Singh in the Introduction to the description of �Twenty Four Avtars� of Vedic conception, translated from the Purans, states:
�God is the Father of this Universe, in that all activity of creatures (both visible and invisible) is verily His Potential.In Guru Granth Sahib the Divine Light (Jot) is called Sat Guru Poora, verily God Himself.
The Energy or Light that emanated from Him is called the Primeval Force (Bhavani, or Chandi, or Durga or Jagdumbay, Bhagauti, Kali etc).
This Energy is instrumental in the creation of the Universes.�
�pritham kal sab jag ko tata, tahan tai bhio tej bikhiata.
so hi bhavani nam kahai, jin sagri yeh sarist upahi.�
(Verse 29 � 24 Avtars)
Just as Chandi, Bhavani, Durga, Kalka or Bhagauti is the Divine Power of Creation and Destruction, verily God Himself, similarly the other Divine Name is ascribed as Kaal (God's Functionary Quality of Destruction). This unseen Divine Potential is present in all creatures and everywhere, called SOUL, the Creative and Destructive Power of God, which in Sri Guru Granth Sahib is called SABAD or Guru or SAt Guru or Sat Guru Poora, verily God Himself inImmanent Form.
Sri Guru Arjan Dev Jee, in his Composition in Rag Maru, Sohle, p.1082 states, �Kirtam Naam kathai Terai jaiba, SAT NAAM Tera Para Poorbala� - My tongue recites Your numerous Names of Your actions (Functional); whereas the Name that You are Eternal is the verity. Similarly as already stated in previous letter that Guru Gobind Singh Jee in his Composition also repeated this Reality - �Tav Sarb Naam kathai kavan, KARAM Naam barnat sumat.� Who can tell the Lord's numerous Names; at the most we remember Him by the Names of His Deeds. All Names, Akal, Kaal, Dayal and so on, are all His Functional Names. Why do people raise such silly questions?
You will find in Composition Akal Ustat, Satguru Jee has saluted God,both as Akal (Beyond the scope of Death - Eternal), as well as Kaal (The Creator of Destruction). Both are God's Functionary Names. The Guru states - �Akal Purkh ki Racha Han Nai. Sarab Kaal Jee di Racha Ham Nai. Sarbh Loh Ji ki Racha Ham Nai.� (Sarab Loh is the mightiest of all the metals - Here means Mightiest God be his Protector. Also Sarb Loh is the cheaterst metal - here means the Protector and Cherisher of the most humble ones).
In Chandi Chritar (2) - the Guru starts - �Sri Bhagauti Ji Sahai.� Also in Var Durga ki - The Guru salutes to �Sri Bhagauti Ji Sahai.� In Var Durga ki, the Guru states - �Prithan Bhagauti simar kai Guru Nanak laei Dhaey.� This forms part of our daily Prayer everywhere and for every one. Does Kala Afghana reject the �Ardaas� and not participate. Reply to this specifically.
In Gian Parbodh Granth, the Guru first salutes to �Sri Bhagauti Ji Sahai.� In Composition 'Chrtro-Pakhiaan' - the Guru salues to �Sri Bhagauti Ji Sahai.�
As stated above in Durga ki Var, the Guru states, "I first think of the Pritham Bhagauti - The Primal Being or God), then Guru Nanak ----.� Is this not acceptable ????
Clearly the Guru when he mentions of Bhagauti, he refers to the Mighty Potential of God Pervading in the Universe in Immanent Form. The Guru clarifies that all creatures like Ram, Krishna, and other Avtars derive their Potential from God alone. In short there is only ONE LIFE IN EXISTENCE, all creatures are only the manfestation of the One Potential. �Sagal Bisthar Eik tai Bhaey.� Sri Sukhmani Sahib. In all both Highest and in lowest, only His Potential works.
The Guru took pains to describe in detail Sri Bhagauti Ji in the First Chriter of Composition 'Chritro Pakhiaan' - Seven full pages. The Guru here states -
�O Lord, You are the symbolic of the Broad Sword, the Arrow, the Dagger.... You have all the qualities of Vishnu, Brahma and Shiv. It is Your Arrows and Swords, which annihilate the armies. It was You in the guise of Narsingh smashed Harnaukash. In the form of Varha and Boar, You bore the weight of te Earth. Your Potential in Ram killed Ravana, and it was Your Potential in Krishna, Kamsa was killed.----�The Eulogy of Sri Bhagauti Ji, verily God Himself appears in Krishna Avtar, and Akal Ustat also, which runs into four pages, and 2 pages respectively, descriing the Creative and Destructive Potential of the Infinite Lord, in the form of all Arms and weapons. One finds the same qualities of God as the Creator Lord and also the Destroyer, the qualities as described in Sri Guru Granth Sahib as Guru - Permeshwar.
Sat Guru Jee apart from the above mentioned Composition, described His Priases in the Chandi Chritra (Ukti Bilas), Chandi Chritra II and in Var Durga Ji Ki.
Please do not be misled by the Hindu names of Chandi, Durga, Bhavani, Kalika. Bhagauti as Hindu Devies. God is both Mother and Father, and has countless names and forms described. Those who unwisely limit His existence to mere their own religious names, and pick up quarrels with others who describe the same Lord in using different names, they have only befooled themselves and have been the instruments of all the hatred and scambles for nothing.
The critics are dead wrong in misleading the people that apart from
Bichitar Natak, the Guru has not used Kaal in any other of his Compositions.
Examples are given below �
Jaap Sahib
Namo Sarb Kaalai, Nami Sarb Diyalai - Verse 19
Namo Sarab Kaalai, Namo Sarab Palai - Verse 20
Namo Kaal Kaalai, Namassut Dialay - Verse 23
Namo Sarab Kaalai, Namo Sarab Palai - Verse 45
Namo Palik Sarab GHALIK, Namo ko Pun Kaal. Sarab Laeik, Sarab GHAEIK,
Sarab ko Pritpar Verse 85
Sarab Gunta, Sarab HUNTA, Sarab tai Anbhaikh - Verse 86.
Runkan Runk, Kalan Kaal - Verse 90
Harung, Karung, Nir Namai, Akamai - Verse 95
Namo Chakar Karta, Chatur Chakar HARTA - Verse 96.
Namo Chakar Palai, Chatar Chakar Kaalai - Verse 97
Keh Sarbatar HUNTA, keh Sarbatar Gunta - Verse 115
Sabung HUNTA, Sarbung Gunta - Verse 142
Sarbung HARTA, Sarbung Karta - Verse 143
Also see Verses 178, 180, 182 and 183.
With regard to observation at (b) above, Kala Afghana and Gurteja should feel ashamed, take a handful of water, and sink themselves to death, by making such slanderous observation against the Divine Guru. The Guru had gone on a visit of Nahan State; when the hill rajas of 16 states assembled in the neighbouring state of Srinagar, worked out a plan to make the surprise armed attack on the Guru staying at Paunta, where at the neighbouring place of Bhangani the battle was fought, with the aid of few Sikhs and sudden help of Pir Budhu Shah, the hill forces were repulsed. The Guru states, that the invaders at the end fled away, and he was blessed with victory by the Grace of Almighty God, Who destroys the evil ones (Kirpa Kaal Keri).What is wrong in this? It is Kala Afghana and Gurteja who do not know the neither the authorship of the verse they use � �Jab lag Khalsa rehai nara, Tab lag Tej dio MAI Saro. Jab eh dhare Bipran ki Reet, Tou Mai na Karon ein ki partit�, nor its ill effect, that the Guru was egocentric, calling Khalsa as his Khalsa. This verse is not by the Guru, but appears in Loh Granth. How could this be of the Guru? Most egocentric verse, using word �Mein� twice, meaning �I�, totally egocentric, unbecoming of idiots who impute the Guru of his egocentricity. The Guru gave the salutation of Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, NOT his Khalsa. The readers may kindly read the Gurus prayers to God, in this very chapter of Bichitar Natak, as under �
�O Lord, none else, except You alone are the Cherisher of the most insignificant creature like me the mere grass blade like, whom You have raised to the height of a Mountain. O Lord, forgive my mistakes, as none else errs more than I do. Those who serve You, You ever bless them with immense of both Spiritual and material wealth. In this Iron Age, except You, there is none other Savior, I cherish complete confidence of my protection in Your Mighty Arms.�
(Swaiyya 92).
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